Why I love barre

Why I love barre

Many times I hear from other gym goers, “Why do you love barre so much?” My response is always the same, “It’s the only workout that gives me everything I need.” And that’s the truth. Ever since I began teaching American Barre Technique, my physique has remained in tip-top shape, my health reports are stellar, and I have not experienced any fitness-related injuries. Getting in shape and staying in shape does not require rocket science, it requires barre.

Get certified to teach barre today! Enroll in the American Barre Technique online barre certification.
Get certified to teach barre today! Complete the American Barre Technique online barre certification. 100% online. Internationally Accredited. Get certified by the world’s largest and most recognized online barre certification.

When I teach American Barre Technique, I not only get to help others improve their health, I also get to maintain and improve mine. To me it is mind blowing that I get paid to workout, which is another reason why I love teaching fitness. Fitness is sometimes seen as a chore, something one “has to do” to get in shape or improve overall health. With exercise workouts like American Barre Technique, fitness no longer is a chore, but rather a desired exercise class to attend or in other words a “happy hour at the barre.”

If you haven’t tried barre because you are worried it will be too difficult, too easy, or whatever the excuse may be, give it a go! You will not regret it. It’s the most addictive workout, and I’m sure you’ll get hooked. See you at the barre!