Fit For Life

Fit For Life

woman exercising bear body of water

My secret to living a “fit life” is simple. It’s not rocket science. It’s a way of being.

For me, it took me nearly 3 decades to finally understand how to live life in a “fit” manner. I learned how to live a fit life when I discovered American Barre Technique. What is American Barre Technique you may ask? It’s ballet inspired aerobics, most famously known as barre. I first fell in love with the workout after my first class, and could not believe the physical results. My body has never responded so positively and quickly as it has from American Barre Technique. It’s like magic and it’s just too good not to share.

The first thing I noticed was my sculpted arms, specifically my shoulders (I’ve never been able to get this kind of muscle definition), my toned legs, slimmer waist, and my lifted and FIRM butt (my favorite ;)). American Barre Technique classes are formatted to give you the most effective workout within a 45-55 minute time period. Also, on days I feel stronger than others, I can up my intensity simply by pushing myself lower during leg work, or increasing my weight during arm work. It’s magic!

I found myself somewhat of an OBSESSED ABT student, going to class literally every day and thinking about my next class. I wanted more, and then the idea came to me. I thought how perfect of a job would it be to teach barre, that way I could teach and take and live my dream life #AtTheBarre I approached my barre teacher and asked her what she thought of my idea. She told me to go for it and referred me to enroll in the American Barre Technique online barre certification course. (I was already a step ahead of her and had visited the site and has the online barre certification in my cart ready to enroll). After receiving her confirmation to “go for it,” I did! and went ahead and enrolled into the ABT online barre certification.

The online barre teacher training was super informative and I learned so much. I finished the program with flying colors and felt super confident to start teaching barre. I got hired as soon as I finished the online barre cert. and had an overwhelming amount of friends and family attend and support my first classes.

Ever since I began teaching barre, I have been able to live a fit life with ease. Thanks to American Barre Technique, living a fit life is simple. I workout, I teach barre, and I fuel my body with healthy nutrients. It is an amazing lifestyle and I get complements daily on my physique and demeanor. I have energy and feel amazing and you can do. It’s not magic, it’s ABT. For me, this has been my secret to living a fit life and I’m happy to share my results with you all.

-Cassie C.

(Testimonial on American Barre Technique)

Interested in becoming a barre instructor? Visit American Barre Technique to enroll in the online barre certification course: www.AmericanBarreTechnique.comĀ